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Dean needed Gore like people in Miami need a snow shovel. Gore has been mostly absent from politics since 2000 (thank God). The few times he poked his pie hole into the public limelight, he had only idiotic things to say anyway, so he's certainly gone off his rocker. Now he's endorsing Dean, after waiting to see who would be the front-runner. It doesn't take any guts to sit back, see who takes a lead, and then jump in behind them. What he needed to do if he wanted to sound knowledgable was to get behind Dean from the beginning. Instead, it looks like he "shopped around" for a good deal before buying in. It looks cheap, compromised, and meaningless. Rather than bring Dean to the middle, it makes Gore look like he shifted to the far left. Now he has no chance of running in 2008, either. But it's not like he has a platform to stand on, anyway. He's been absent from politics for three years, following almost a decade of being a yes man to the worst criminal ever to hold the top post in this Country. When I say "worst", I mean it, too. I could pick any three Presidents, and no combination had the corruption of the Clintons. They set a new low in ethics and morality in this Country.

Well, it's time for me to get back to work.

I hope your day is going well. Well, really, I could care less. Let's be honest here.

The weather here sucks. I'm tired, and my body is sore.

See what else I have to say Previous day's rant

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