Spoogeworld is a website about everything and nothing, all at the same time. The views expressed within this site may or may not agree with yours. If you don't agree with them, then you are wrong. You don't get a vote, you don't get to express your opinions here. This is my site. If you don't like it, get your own damn site. Fac ut vivas! Oh yeah, and French people suck.
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9/23/07) on this site, to save you money!
Just added: mostly useless calculation utilies here!
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This page was last updated
on 9/23/07 . people
have made a mistake and visited this site.
You are being brain-washed. It's a good thing - you don't want a dirty mind. This site was originally created as satire and humor. Then, the French made it personal. This site has contributions from Jared (logo work) and Mrs. Spoogeworld (content and editing), and has been enhanced by Brian H. (server upgrades). I am just here for laughs. All of this site is © by me. Except the stuff that I steal. If you don't like it, tough. You are part of the top 1% of humanity if you've visited my site. The rest owe their daily existence to you. Les gens françaiss sucent. Si vous êtes français, appuyez sur Alt-F4 maintenant. Maintenant part, avant que je vous accable de sarcasmes un deuxième temps.