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Today is a salute to Ovi. Ovi is one of the people who helped rescue me from my obsession with being compassionate. Once liberated from that, I was free to see that people shouldn't be coddled their whole life. This country was founded on the principle of equal opportunity, not equal access to other people's pockets. That means that you have the Freedom to make something of yourself. Or not. That's your choice.

I know that I've blown dozens of great opportunities in my lifetime. I'm not proud of that. I am proud of my new-found recognition of my life. For the last several years, I've discovered that personal responsibility works much better than blaming others for my shortcomings.

Anyway, several years ago, Ovi and I had this argument. It wasn't that you-slept-with-my-sister kind of argument. It was the kind that guys have over beer, the kind that doesn't really lead to anything other than another beer.

We debated seatbelt laws. I know, something stupid. But, Ovi was right (there, Ovi, I said it!). Ovi took the position that seatbelt laws are a violation of our personal Freedoms, if we live in a free society.

At first, I disputed his side. But later, I saw the simplicity and honesty of his argument. Who gave the Government the power to decide how we live our lives? Isn't it our Right to Pursue Happiness (or not!), each according to our own efforts?

Well, that conversation was the start of what you now have in front of you. My current ideology, the one that calls Dean the flaming ass-tart that he is, and espouses personal responsibility, that's where it was born.

And now the journey comes full circle, as I pay homage to Ovi, Honary Spoogemeister. To celebrate, I have this wonderful picture of him:

Note: No animals were harmed in the making of this blog. They were harmed later just to piss-off PETA. And then they were eaten.

See what else I have to say Previous day's rant

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