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Here's a new idea: let Terri Schiavo die. Is this really a new idea? Some people think so. They couldn't imagine letting a woman who's brain-dead actually die.

No, it's so much easier for these people (most of whom seem to overlap the "Right to Life" crowd) to sit in judgement of her husband. Of course, they don't have the obligation to care for her, or the relationship behind them to make a really informed decision.

Ultimately, what this boils down to are fundamental human rights. The "Right to Life" crowd practices a hollier-than-thou outlook. They want to be able to tell you what YOU should do with your life. It's always easy to sit in judgement of someone else. Too bad that's not their right, responsibility, or place in life.

To all of these "Right to Life" people who know so damn much, I hope one day you get the news that you will only have 1 year to live, but that the pain during that year will be so excrutiating that the human body will be pushed to the limits of endurance of that pain. Let's see if you change your tune then. If not, we all still win, because you and your hollier-than-thou attitude will still be gone from this earth.

Callous? Maybe I am. But I think that ANYONE who sits in judgement of Michael Schiavo fancies themself as a kind of "God". After all, who among us is fit to judge another? Isn't that a famous religious quote from these zealots? Who gave Randall Terry permission to speak for anyone else?

I have a great idea. Let's ask Terri as we're pulling the tube out her wishes. If she doesn't respond, we'll assume she agrees with the decision. That way she gets her say.

To her parents, who are the biggest pieces of human waste I've ever seen extricated from a bowel: I hope you get sued by Michael Schiavo for calling him a murderer. You've accused this poor man of putting her in her current state, without evidence. If you're so sure he killed her, get some evidence and give it to the D.A. Otherwise, shut your fucking mouths.

Also, you blubbering vaginas, your bullshit about her being able to recover "with proper treatment" is the stupidest shit I've ever heard. NO ONE has ever "recovered" from a persistent vegatative state. No one. That's why it's called "persistent", jackasses.

No one doubts your love for your daughter. Prove it, though, by letting her go. Even the leftist Sting had the balls to say "If you love someone, set them free." Time for you to practice that.

Any meaningful part of Terri Schiavo is gone. If you're religious, and you believe in a "soul", that part of her is gone. There is no personality left. That part of her brain has no activity. She is now just a stalk of celery. Let her go, dammit. Show some courage - grieve for her, and move on. Keeping her on a feeding tube is just cruel. And your constant interference is cowardly. If Terri could, she'd probably kick you in the groin.

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