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Can you spell hypocrite? I bet Tom DeLay can. He's been leading the fight, along with Bill Frist, to intervene in the medical affairs of a family in Florida and try to overstep 19 judges and 3 Supreme Court rulings. You know the case. Terri Schiavo. The veg-a-matic in Pinellas Park, who took bulimia to new levels and caused a chemical imbalance so severe that it stopped her heart.

After years of hoping that she'd get better, her husband realized that she was not returning from her PERSISTENT vegetative state. So, he decided to honor her wishes, and let her go on her way.

Her parents, who decided that they wanted a share of her legal case, decided to spar with her husband over Terri. Terri was unable to voice her opinion, since that part of her brain is gone. Her parents show their love for her by ignoring her wishes. Gee, we must be related.

So, in comes Tom DeLay, who said she "will not be foresaken", and issues her a subpoena. There's a stroke of brilliance. She can't talk. Duh.

Tom is hell-bent on keeping her alive. I wonder how he'd treat, say, his own parent, in a similar case.

Well, in 1988 his father fell into a coma. Did he use every possible legal trick to keep his own father alive? No, he didn't. When it was HIS father, he let them turn off life support and let his father die with dignity.

It's always easier to sit in judgement of someone else. But if you turn off life support for your own father, who are you to judge Terri's husband for wanting to let his wife go the same way (with dignity)?

That's one of the things I hate about hollier-than-thou religious ass-darts. They always tell you how to live YOUR life, and then they do whatever the hell they want to with theirs.

George Bush was a drunk and drug user. Pick just about any televangelist. Most of them have used prostitutes, drugs, alcohol, smoked, and/or commited adultery. Jesse Jackson has at least 1 kid out of wedlock. Al Sharpton? He has so many skeletons in his closet, he needs a STRONG lock on that closet door. Remember Jimmy Swaggart? How about Jim and Tammy Faye? The list goes on and on. And show me just one televangelist who lives in poverty. Remember and adage about getting a camel through the eye of a needle?

Sometimes I think that religion borders on a disease. Faith and belief in God is one thing - but why does everyone else have to feel the same way that you do? Why can't we all just follow our own course, without someone telling you that YOUR relationship with invisible beings is wrong? After all, how do you know that you are right? Maybe you got the message wrong. Maybe God doesn't want big buildings in his name. Maybe he doesn't want Jesse Jackson to have a private jet. Maybe his idea of a holy person is a man who farms his own land and doesn't tell his neighbor how to raise his kids.

I bet someone will read this and send me hate mail.

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