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Pamela Anderson is boycotting the Kentucky Derby.

Who the fuck cares?

She last attended it in 2003 anyway.

So why should we care?

This is part of her activism for PETA, who are the people who prove they love animals by killing them, and dumping them in dumpsters behind malls.

Who takes these idiots seriously?

This is the same mindset as Alec Baldwin's rant about his wet dream that Cheney's friend might want him charged with a crime, or sue him for his shooting accident.

Of course, this hot air, like the rest of the tinfoil-hat-wearing nonsense that comes from these partisan nit-wits, is purely imaginative drivel.

Why do they get such a hard-on at the thought of Cheney suffering any harm? Isn't that a perverse desire? It's bordering on unhealthy.

All of the imagined conspiracies they dream up are fun to listen to, but they really give this man too much credit.

And remember, Cheney's gun has killed fewer people than Ted Kennedy's car. Mary Jo could not be reached for comment.

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